Encouragement, Faith, God's Love

Open Invitation: What It Means to Welcome the Lord

If I had a dollar for every time someone “said” they were coming to visit me, I would be rich. Filthy rich! So many times, I’ve had friends say they were waiting on an “invitation” to visit me. Whether I have been in Tennessee, Alabama, or Georgia, here has always been my reply “You have an open invitation; come whenever you want”.



How many of us give God that same kind of open invitation in our lives? Yes, you may be a believer and yes, He is God— all knowing, all powerful, ever present. He reigns over all areas of our lives no matter what. I mean, it is written that God even knows the number of hairs on our head! (Luke 12:7) You can’t get more invested than that lol. Yet, just like many of my friends have wanted—maybe God desires an “invitation” into every aspect our lives as well.



Well, what does an invitation to God actually mean? And what does it look like? It means that you are trusting God to take the wheel. It means you are confident in His power and infinite wisdom regarding all matters. It means that you give Him permission to help you fight all battles against all enemies (those known and unknown). An open invitation can look like or be a prayer. It can also be a declaration or a demonstration of faith no matter where you are, who you are with, or what you are doing.


I truly believe that God is concerned with every detail of our lives….. Remember the whole “hairs on our head” thing? (Luke 12:7). He wants to be on our jobs with us. He wants to be the center of our marriages. He wants to help us with our familial relationships. He even wants to help us decide where to live and where to attend church. He loves us so very much and wants to participate in our lives in every way. Wouldn’t it be nice to surrender to His Will and His Way for our entire life? Wouldn’t it be nice to give God an OPEN INVITATION? 



If you agree, say this with me: God, you are welcome here. Yes, here! You have an open invitation on my job, in my home, at my church, in my community, everywhere I am. No matter what I am doing or who I am with, I am inviting you to participate in every aspect of my life.  I give you free reign over it all God; for you know what is best for me. This is my open invitation to you.  Please accept it.


Psssssst, here’s a little secret; I’ve known Him to always accept and RSVP. And He even brings gifts! Lol. Blessings on top of blessings!

May your eyes, your head, and your spirit always be LIFTED!





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22 thoughts on “Open Invitation: What It Means to Welcome the Lord”

  1. SIS!!!!!!!! I needed this! And it is also confirmation. Last night I was angry and hurting and I can’t even say that it is gone but I’m working on it. I was reminded this morning that David cried out to God when he went through problems but right after that he praised God and I know it’s because he invited God in. I’m going to do that. I haven’t invited God into my hurt and I think its bout time I do so i can get to the other side. Plus I know Britney would want me too. I LOVE YOU!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Se’Bon! I love you sis! Yes, let God into all those places– even the dark, hurting areas. Let Him be that soothing medicine. INVITE Him in so He can take you through the healing process. I know its hard but we are always here for you, girl! 🙂


  2. This is a great post Dana! I want to invite God into every aspect of my life. I know he will do great things for us when we let him in wholeheartedly. He’s such an AMAZING GOD! He wants us to know him personally because he already knows who we are 😅 He will tell us what we need to do and also gives us the desires of our hearts. I really enjoyed this post ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. .I so agree with you. We all need to give God an open invitation into not just our heart but or jobs, our dreams, our marriage, EVERYTHING!!!
    Thank you for this encouraging reminder, Dana. Blessings!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love your site – it’s beautiful. I’m a lover of chocolate and good books too:)

    This post is great too. Although I’ve been a Christian for many years, I’ve only recently learned what it means to invite Him into EVERYTHING, not just into the areas in which we feel we need His help (or want Him to do something for us). It’s been wonderfully comforting to know that He has access to all areas of my life, and that it’s really His plans that I should be seeking, not the other way around. Thanks for putting yourself out there for us to learn from:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and reading, Sophie! You are so right. We should be seeking His plans and not our own. I appreciate your feedback and great points 🙂


  5. LOVE this perspective! What a great reminder that God desires us to come and invite Him to our sides. He doesn’t push or force Himself on us. What a wonderful God we serve!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great post and reminder. I have been guilty of closing certain doors and only allowing him to visit certain areas of my life. I am so thankful that He is patient with me and loves me unconditionally. Thank you for this!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow this was so on time. I’ve struggled with this before, but who better than God to hand my life too? Sometimes we think we know us better than God but we don’t! I loved this post. Especially the part about Him being concerned with every part of our lives.💜

    Liked by 1 person

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