Lifestyle, Relationships

Lean On Me: Why We Need A Godly Community

757 days… That’s how many days in a row I counted calories and used a fitness app as a daily food diary. Some of my family and friends were happy for me—others a little concerned lol. However, all were amazed.  I had made a decision that I was going to lose weight and reduce my sugar intake. I was going to be accountable for my actions. 

I wish I could say that all days of using the app were smooth. But like with any commitment, there were good and bad days. Sometimes, I would be so proud of myself for staying in the “green” meaning I was under my calorie intake maximum or under my sugar intake maximum. Other days, I came up short. Frustration and disappointment would set in due to me getting off track. But my friends and family were supportive of me in my journey. You see, in addition to the smartphone app, they were also helping me remain accountable.

Sometimes the truth hurts. In taking a step to be accountable for my physical life, I was learning a lesson that could be applied to my spiritual life. In all areas of our lives, we must be held accountable. Particularly, as Christians, however, we are to be held to a higher standard. This is where a good Godly community can help!

I never truly understood the power of a close Godly community in my life such until I had one, but with one comes encouragement and accountability that helps me stay focused on my one true goal— following Jesus.

Colossians 3:2 instructs us that we are to set our minds on Heavenly things, not on Earthly things. Surrounding ourselves with people whose minds are also set on Heavenly things is a complete game changer.  People in your Godly community can help correct you when you’re straying off course, help cheer you on when you’re staying faithful, pray FOR you, pray WITH you, help guide you to the right scriptures in the Bible at the right time, and so much more. Sometimes people in your Godly community can see things in you that yourself and others can’t see. God can reveal things to them because they have the open ears, hearts, and minds to listen.


Inner Circle & Christian Accountability

We use so many different resources here on Earth to help us stay on track– phones, alarms, planners, etc. Why? Because they work! They help us stay accountable. Since we know this to be true, why do we often not utilize things or people on Earth to help us be spiritually accountable? Resources that can help keep us spiritually accountable include but are not limited to:

  • accountability partners
  • prayer calls
  • devotionals
  • small groups
  • worship service
  • bible studies
  • Christian blogs such as this one 🙂

In a Godly community you can find most, if not all, of these things. How wonderful is that?!

Iron sharpens iron, right? (Proverbs 27:17).  Do you have a Godly community? Who in your inner circle can you trust to help hold you accountable in your Christian journey? All of these things and people help ensure we are putting good things in our bodies… good spiritual food.

One thing is certain, we will be held accountable on judgement day. (1 Peter 4:5; Romans 14:12) We need things AND people to help keep us accountable while we are here on Earth.

CONFESSION: There was once a time in my life when I tended to shy away from people who were too forward about religion or going to church. The endless Sunday morning text messages from my cousin asking me if I would be attending Sunday school and worship service were annoying—even frustrating at times. “Why can’t she just leave me alone?” I would moan repeatedly from the comfort of my bed. Today, I am grateful for people like her in my life. People who care about my salvation, people who recognize that I need to be spiritually fed good things just like I physically need good things—- people who aren’t afraid to hold me accountable— a Godly community.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Paul writes:

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up…”.

Are we doing this? Are we apart of a Godly community who believes in doing this?

Let’s make a commitment right now to be more accountable in our daily lives about our worship and our salvation. God has given us the tools and THE PEOPLE. We just need to use them.

May your eyes, your head, and your spirit always BE LIFTED. Amen.

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13 thoughts on “Lean On Me: Why We Need A Godly Community”

  1. I appreciated your reminder about the importance of surround ourselves with community and accountability partners. I think this is true whether it is or help with things like weight loss or addictions – but as you write it is critical in our walk with Jesus. Your comments point out how A supportive community’s encouragement and accountability helps us stay focused on our ultimate goal— following Jesus.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Bella, thanks for reading and commenting. Sounds great. Yes! Smaller bible studies are so intimate and really help you in a special way. Hope you continue to find it a blessing 🙂


  2. Oh I needed this. I find myself finding people to keep me accountable for my goals but I’m not finding people to keep me accountable for my Christian journey. So that’s all changing!! Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You’re absolutely right! When my husband and I decided to begin eating healthy and exercising, some of our family members thought we were crazy. I cut real specific things out of my diet (high fructose corn syrup, artificial coloring, etc).

    Therefore, I got crazy looks from them when I instantly began reading the nutrition facts before consuming anything. I will flat out refuse to eat anything with high fructose corn syrup. However, my husband has been such a great support system for me. Our goal is to be healthy and take care of the body the Lord has blessed us with.

    Have you ever read the book The Daniel Plan? It’s amazing and totally changed my life forever! If you want to find out more about how The Daniel Plan affected my life, you can read about it here:

    I’m so proud of your great decisions! Keep up the great work Dana!!


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